Monday, February 20, 2012

My Real Intention

The other day my colleague was still talking about research work, I just realize that I haven’t done research for a year, oh gosh…I miss my research work so much and I miss my plants too; wondering how are they now, but I guess without a proper care of the smaller age plants, they are dying..
Right now I still need to think of my own side, which aspect I really care about; whether is my own interest or money since that these days I started to have my own commitment and responsibilities.
Sometime when thought of my office works really make me suffocate, as it is not as easy as you think it might be. The difficulty doubles for multiple times when you become the middle person of 2 parties and when the other side doesn’t understand the culture at here. The more mission and more target, the more dislike felt inside each person. Due to tension everybody felt, suddenly 2 staffs from my office quarreled over their task which is supposed to be cooperate with each other. This could happen mainly due to miscommunication. This is very surprising as before the new staff came in, all of us were quite good in relationship with each other, now they even argue with the presence of our manager. I know that the newcomer is some kind of bad tempered person with no tolerance to others but at least she should respect other people when arguing or try to understand other people feeling.
Different dilemma can occur within an office, if everybody can just tolerate and when people make mistake, just talk nicely to them as they are your friends and colleagues, better be more friends than more foes. This is an exception to the lab juniors as they are student with no experience in labwork, to protect our limited chemical source bought with limited grant and avoid any wastage, it is advisable to strict to the junior, hahahaha..

1 comment:

  1. Exception to lab junior?
    All your excuses for being mean ...!

    Haha... just kidding dear ^^
