Thursday, April 7, 2011

Moment to remember

First time I start writing my own blog. Within this month, happy and unhappy things happened.
Talking about the happy thing, I had made a lot of new friends when I joined the 5 days 4 nights orientation covered in the training program. I got both Malays, iban, bidayuh friends which is so called 1 Malaysia. Initially, it was hard to mix with them as they talked mostly using their own language. Although I can understand a bit what they were talking about, but I still need time to catch their words slowly, but they were very helpful, try to make me talk. There was a friendly guy who is always very helpful trying to make me integrate with the group. Yeah, that was indeed very effective as I started to mix with the group the second day.
Our orientation was started in the morning time until evening time, which on the other way means I/we would get bored in the night time as we all stayed at the hostel provided. The hostel was vey comfortable with nice bed, bathroom and air-condition which is as comfortable as a hotel. During the night time, we thought want to go karaoke but end up exercised in the gyms as there were a lot of people queue up to sing in the karaoke and I was not dare to sing loudly in front of so many new faces. It was quit relief after exercise as we had 5 meals per day; which I was worried about me would getting fat. After went to the gyms, we went also to the dining room to watch TV. That was our daily night activity. I had learned a lot from the orientation although the course was all about listening to the seminar, at least the speakers not just talking, they also made us to participate during the talk.

We took our personality test using Leonard theory in which the test result was over 90% accurate on my own personality, telling about our strength and weakness as well as on how to improve ourselves. I also learned about the building team dynamic and how to become a good leader when facing conflict among the group members, public speaking, entrepreneurship and etc..which is a type self-learning and self-improve skills. It was an unforgettable moment in my life. Two of the things that I still remember are when the speaker called the girl as ‘aunty’ and the boy as ‘uncle’ no matter how old we are and one of the speaker has a funny face showing to us when he smiles.
My test result showed that I am error buster; means that friends which had problem that they wanted to talk/share, they should look for the error buster as we are the good listener and we tend to rational by analyzing the problem before making any decision.

Talking about the unhappy story, the worst history of my life ever..that day was quite a stressed day either in the office or other matters. In the office, I was given an abundance of workloads to do where I treated as a challenge to myself; then received a call from my mum saying that my brother was at his extremely deepest emotion as he had lost his phone. I was worry of my brother and at the same time started to feel stress. My mum asked whether I could drive to the school to appease my brother so that he won’t be so sad and looked for his phone..Because of rushing on road, I couldn’t break my car completely and bumped the back part of the car slightly at the traffic light. Oh oooooh..I had caused somebody car broken. This was the time that I started to face great loss in terms of financial; big and expensive lesson to learn.
Every time since I’m driving, I have a phobia when stop my car behind other people’s car..i will want to stop while the distance is far..Haven’t started to loan my own car but started to crush other people car, so pathetic.
The back part of the car that was hit from behind.

The other day in the office, my colleague and I were sneaking using Skype discussing about the whether we will be given an allowance for our January 11 working days. My colleague was quit furious on the way the company treated us by providing a reason that anybody started their work after the 15th of the month shall not be given any allowance. It was not reasonable as we were instead wanted to start our work on 1st of February if that is to be the case.

One other thing we are always talking about is whether we can get our allowance in the next month, April, as we suppose to get the money after 2 months. is very important. Money is not everything, but everything need Money!! One critical thing that I always worried about is when am I going to be sent to TM for continuing with the training. I will miss a lot of the places at Kuching, my family and my friends.  So, I decided to spend sometimes with my family at home or going out somewhere and I also plan for a trip with friends. After all this, I can release myself to I come.


  1. We treasure the happy moments and learned lesson from unhappy moment. Happy to become ur blog reader.

  2. yeah..only can understand and learn from the past but look forward..

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  4. Your post brings back my memories in CBG orientation camp ^^

    Money is not everything, but everything need Money!!

  5. I also got the words during CBG orientation from one of the participants, it is indeed very true..

    Another investor from our company also mentioned it the other day, 'Money can't buy everything, but you need money to buy everything you need'.
