Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today a lady just reminded me to continue with my own specificity if I would want to further my work progress in the I was thinking of wanted to diversify my own knowledge to be a wider scope which might probably surpass my own expertise..she told me that it is not very easy to start from the ground work when you have only minor information about that field although I told her that I am willing to learn something new for me..As what people has always reminded me that as long as you are willing to learn, the outside world will be much better for you to squeeze in, I totally surprise and disappoint when there is people give a different view on that, I took an example when there is people work in a different totally different from her work experience and found that it was due to the different job scope she was taking, in other words, the example was taken at the easier steps when compared to people with limited knowledge that want to start everything from the ground work. I understand the logic behind it (that's why people take years to study it) but I still think that some of the things really need you to be passionate whenever you face new experience at work, may be I will just need years to accumulate my experience in order for me to be fully qualified. 

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