Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Well, there are always so many decisions to make in life..Due to the fact that I have my own concern and target, I have to make much consideration before I decide; I was being a way too careful on my choices. I don't think there is anything wrong with that after what had been gone through from my first experience..may be some people won't understand why I make the decision when the chance is just right in front of your eyes, as they don't have to face so much concern in their life, they just need to make sure they live a comfortable life.

My current condition just remind me of a literature review which I had studied before, 'The Road Not Taken'..I am exactly in the same position as the guys in the picture..both roads look equally safe but you won't see the uneven road without stepping on it. My problem is not mainly on the uneven road, but getting into the booby-trap in which you will get stuck in the hole and live in darkness.

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