Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Having a suck neighbour

I believe most people has a suck neighbour but my neighbour is the worst among them. Talking about my neighbour which I had long been wanted to reveal their annoying, childish and selfish manner. It was a good and enjoyable day (regardless of those pressure from work and school) without them moving into the house just opposite my house. They are just a bunch of people who enjoy when they think that people are afraid of them, so that they can do whatever they want. Well, I am not the kind of people that afraid of them, I am just trying to be patient as I want to stay in piece with other people. Psychologically, people that always like and enjoy when people around them is afraid of them is just showing themselves a weakling, as they are unable to gain any respect from the society. The fact is they are idling around most of time without a proper job to do, I wonder how they survive. Some people said they are theft and told us to beware of them.

I hate when they always park their car outside our gate, it makes it harder for us to drive our car out from the house gate.  They are not driving a luxury car or new car, it is just an old car and the authority has made it convenient for everybody to park their car by building a new parking space just at the end of each house lot in case there is not enough parking space inside the house. Besides, it is a safe place as there had never been any case of stolen car. Everyday we just had to move our car slowly and squeeze through the narrow space. My father used to told them to park their car elsewhere but they just ignore it. Since after that, no more smiley face from us to those selfish people anymore. It is even more annoying when they purposely parked their car at the position where we even hardly squeeze through the narrow space and we have to take a U-turn from the other side unnecessarily.  After we successfully made a U-turn and return to the same road, the car that blocked our way already gone, it is obvious that they are just like to play small tricks to make other people suffer.  I wish I can call them brat with brainless. I believe in karma, whenever they make other suffer from their behaviour, they will face their punishment one day.

It was always a happy day during CNY when you heard the noise from firework around the neighbour. It is not the case when they played with fireworks. They even liked to play fireworks in front of my house and dirty our place. What they think they could bully us?  My brother got angry because of that and scold them, their kids even try to argue back but just hiding inside the house. Are they forgot that playing firework in our country is illegal and I could had made police report for that. It showed the big gap between educated people and low educated people. Low educated people like to show their palm when confront with other people and they think the victory come from people frightening of them. It is funny though. In these days, act without thinking and ignorance of other people's welfare will only cause them being isolated eventually.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Well, there are always so many decisions to make in life..Due to the fact that I have my own concern and target, I have to make much consideration before I decide; I was being a way too careful on my choices. I don't think there is anything wrong with that after what had been gone through from my first experience..may be some people won't understand why I make the decision when the chance is just right in front of your eyes, as they don't have to face so much concern in their life, they just need to make sure they live a comfortable life.

My current condition just remind me of a literature review which I had studied before, 'The Road Not Taken'..I am exactly in the same position as the guys in the picture..both roads look equally safe but you won't see the uneven road without stepping on it. My problem is not mainly on the uneven road, but getting into the booby-trap in which you will get stuck in the hole and live in darkness.

Thursday, February 7, 2013





Thursday, January 17, 2013


Today a lady just reminded me to continue with my own specificity if I would want to further my work progress in the I was thinking of wanted to diversify my own knowledge to be a wider scope which might probably surpass my own expertise..she told me that it is not very easy to start from the ground work when you have only minor information about that field although I told her that I am willing to learn something new for me..As what people has always reminded me that as long as you are willing to learn, the outside world will be much better for you to squeeze in, I totally surprise and disappoint when there is people give a different view on that, I took an example when there is people work in a different totally different from her work experience and found that it was due to the different job scope she was taking, in other words, the example was taken at the easier steps when compared to people with limited knowledge that want to start everything from the ground work. I understand the logic behind it (that's why people take years to study it) but I still think that some of the things really need you to be passionate whenever you face new experience at work, may be I will just need years to accumulate my experience in order for me to be fully qualified. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Artificial 'water springs' spotted!

Look at how the water splashed out when the water pipe underground burst..pity the motorcyclist especially when they got no where to escape but to ride through the affected area..they definitely got to change their clothes after the incidence.

This was happened at the construction side.. be careful to all drivers..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Passionate

Everyday I am wondering about my next move..because I am waiting for the response even though I don't know for sure whether I will get a positive response..I am wondering whether I should just move on or I should not giving up on waiting as I had been waiting for this long, my voice tells me I shouldn't stop waiting as it is my dream to get it but it just keeps me wondering whether it is worth for me to do so..

On the other hand, I am heart broken by the way the real situation existed after I realised the truth is indeed very cruel to me..I am sick of the nice words I heard every time they realise the mistake they had made, chance has been given and there will be no more chance from me. Sometime I feel like I was just wasting my time giving out something which I realised it is not being appreciated. After all, the unpredictable potential appeared to be very hard to be realised when the effort was gone to nothing. Huh! Too much worrying to figure.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


一年前()害惨了我们一家。(他)就是一位高学历可是无人情的(人),整天带着假面具对人,还喜欢炫耀自己很有钱 (还好我没跟他买保险)的“自恋狂”。 我弟弟的脚因车祸受伤,全是因为(他)鲁莽驾驶,造成我们的痛苦,幸亏那时候爸爸还在人间,因为爸爸当时懂得买很多补药和补伤口的药,弟弟才会那么快好起来,不然开了刀就只有医院给的止痛药和避免伤口发炎的药。弟弟还自掏腰包做物理治疗呢!(他)懂吗?以为只付了医院的手术费弟弟才会那么快好起来,没有爸爸的细心照料,可见弟弟差点就不能去考试毕业了。那时(他)说会承担医药费,我们才没追究。现在他知道弟弟开始有了自己的事业,就要弟弟还医药费,天啊! 这个世界怎么会让我们遇到这种人呢?遍遍是一位资深的老师,我说是腐败的老师!!别去教坏纯真的学生。

我们家好不容易才开始平静了下来,这(人)又突然间吵着要我们还钱,明明是他错,还要狡辩。。我知道;一来是他没办法拿到我弟弟的保险费,就追着我们来。我们也一样没钱拿,当时还花了一笔钱去做物理治疗和买药补伤口都没和(他)要,现在反而不负责任地把事情推得一干二净。假如当初我们有错,我们当然愿意承担一半费用,可是却是完全(他)的错,我们不能被(他)说服。。当初假如我们要追究,(他)今天要问更应该是求原谅。真后悔当初我们就这么轻易地原谅他。 真希望爸爸还在我们身边,爸爸一定知道怎么做。。那天的一点一滴我还很清楚的记得,泪流满面,紧张的心情,每一天我都得载送负伤的弟弟去考试,还监督弟弟以确定他顺利地踏进考场门口,避免他的伤口再次裂开。弟弟还要空出温习时间去医院复诊和做治疗,我相信(他)这一辈子都不曾遇过这么悲惨的事,(他)那狼心狗肺的心哪会懂我们的心情,更好笑的就是(他)以为当初(他)付医药费是在帮我们解决医药问题,我不以为然,明明是为自己犯的错负责,反而说我们欠(他)的,脑袋真是装了些歪理,真是要提提醒(他),那些只会为(他)所讲的话表示点头又没判断能力可以闪一边去。。
