Thursday, May 19, 2011

I found the other side of myself

Recently, I had gone to area around Serian due to some job purposes such as going to see the abandon production factory at 32th miles, visited the fishery department at Tarat and also Sekuduk village with some great view of rice plantation. Therefore, I get to learn about the route from Kuching to Serian. I also got the chance to go Semengok for meeting on the training program that going to be held at there. It was enjoyable as I get to learn the route, I had the chance to go outside instead of staying in the office facing the computer (in fact sitting long on the chair is a very unhealthy practice) and I got to go with my colleague where we get to share our thoughts along the journey. Wah!!! Finally, my side of view is not limited to Kuching area ONLY. I find that I really like the job that involve outstation which is much like marketing but instead the chance to go outstation is not limited to the marketing department only. I am looking forward for more visiting to other places. Even now I think I want to save some budget for planning some trip with my friends to other area such as Phuket, Bali, and other west countries in future. My friends has planned ahead one trip to Bako but I don’t feel like want to go as I need to apply leave for that and I feel I’m not responsible and professional enough for leaving my job just like that. Hopefully, next time I will be able to join them.
Talking about my job, last Tuesday my boss from Taiwan had came to visit us in Kuching for business purpose. There was one exclusive meeting with him together with the other 2 of my colleagues. During the meeting, I was surprisingly become so defensive on my own points when the boss gave a difference opinion. Yeah, at the end I win. When I reminisced on that moment, I was speechless on my self-defense action in the meeting. The next day, I was asked to go to the Tarat fishery department with that boss and I found he is actually a boss with one side that is quite funny, just that he has to show his leadership side in front of other people so that the staffs will listen and obey to his instructions. That’s what going to happen when the fire inside the heart has started to burn up and make you become fearless to anything.

Today I go to the Spring with my mum and I has witnessed a very touching scene which nearly made me cry. The world is still fill with human beings with ‘heart’ and the seed of good deed still exists. There is one event going on with logo “g(love)bald” where there will be sponser to donate money for helping the kids to fight cancer counting by the number of head get bald. There were quite a number of people willing to get bald for helping the charity to collect money and what’s more involving the ladies with long hairs. The moment I had seen some people queue up to wait for their turn to shed their hair, I was very impressed and touched by those people. I alone couldn’t have the gut to do it. I do some how hope that in my own research field; I can contribute some parts in helping to fight the cancer. The chlorella research that going to start by my company is gonna be a great project as chlorella is one of the materials with very good medicinal and nutritional values containing anticancer and antitumor activities.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We shall go for a vacation trip in the future ! :)

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  4. Okay! Just need to collect money first..hehe
