Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Experience of the day

Last Monday, my horoscope said I might have improper health condition for the day. During last Sunday, I already started to feel stomach ache (like there were some kinds of gas accumulated in my stomach) and I couldn’t even watch my drama under comfortable condition. I think it might be due to my sitting posture on the stool. The next morning I woke up, I felt really weak and couldn’t walk properly. In fact, I had no energy at all; I could have faint down at anytime. I felt like I was at the brink of death (choi choi choi!!!) and I just sat on the sofa chair for quite like an hour while I was trying to fill my stomach. After that, I felt a little bit better, only then could start to move to work. My mum asked me to take sick leave but then I felt like I had taken leave for many times previously and I had to wear sport sweater for keeping warm. At that particular moment, everything became trivial matters, what I wanted is just to get my health back. I got the stomach ache for 3 days which I got gradually better.

On today, Thursday, I think I know what I can do for another job prospect---I can become a direct translator. Today’s task is totally a challenging task for me as I have to make translation to the people in the meeting room using skype while the members of the meeting room talking non-stop. Why is it challenging? 1) I have to come out with the proper words and sentence instantly 2) I have to type it fast and catch the meaning at once 3) The sounds came out from the tele-conference video call was not really sharp 4) almost everybody was depending on me to make the translation for them as they don't understand mandarin, that's mean every single word I have to listen with extraordinary care; it made me nervous before the meeting. Ms Ella was laughing at me when seeing me so nervous. The first translation I made I already made a mistake by quoting the wrong person for saying those words as the voice was almost the same and I never heard Thomas spoke before. Humphrey and the rest started to laugh at me when they realised I quoted the wrong person as Ms Choo made the correction for me. After this, I could be a professional translator already. This is only my first task of direct translation in the meeting room. 

There is one part of the English drama ‘Supernatural’ which I like it very much; which I would want to share one of the lines here. This shot is recorded in episode 19 Season 6.
Dean: What has teeth and spike?
Bobby: Never seen that in my life……..
Dean: What do u call these?
Bobby: Well congrats. You discovered it. You get to name it.
Dean: Jefferson Starships
Bobby: huh?
Dean: Because they are horrible and hard to kill (sounds it like as he is so proud with the name he gave to those hybrid)

Those two brother hunters (Dean Weinchester and Sam Weinchester) so intimate to each other that had made everything possible with either their hunter task and in the meantime save each others life. What I had learnt from this drama is that we can make the impossible become possible if we have a strong dynamite team as that’s where we tend to get and give support to each other.


  1. Take care for your health. Do consult Doctor if it is necessary.

  2. ok..i will if necessary..i think it just may be because of the weather..after that, my boss said want to give me eat wild animal meat like the crocodile and other lizard..yeeeee...i rejected straight away..

  3. Oh I remember your seat in Sea Party is right under the air-condition and is freezing !

    Did you manage to get a warmer seat?
