Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Towards greater change

Finally, after getting stuck in the office for long time, I feel like just want to go out somewhere to relax myself. Therefore, I had asked my ex-labmates to make a plan for a trip to Mount Gading, which is located at Lundu. During the week where we planned to go, I had anticipated for the day to come. I wished that Sunday would come very soon. As it is at Lundu, the route to Mount Gading would take long time to reach that place, that is one of the reasons I really like it as I get to somewhere out of Kuching while enjoying the scenery during the long journey. Thanks to my good friend that she had drove along the way back and forth with one way direction took around 2 hours to reach destination. Along the way from Kuching to Lundu, we had passed Bau. Luckily, it was a shinny day and there were 6 people in total joined the trip. This time, we got 3 most welcomed friends came to join us, so the environment was merrier and I had prepared myself well for outdoor use such as more proper type of clothes, lesson acquired due to the experience from last trip to Ranchan recreational park, I get to learn what should be brought and what type of clothes are suitable for trip like jungle tracking in the wood.

Like last time, I tend to make my body stay afloat again. However, I still find it very hard to work on the rock under the water as the current was like carrying me away. I grabbed my friends’ hands so tightly that I scared of being let go until I lied besides the big rock. It was quite relief as my friends always at there to help in the water, that’s why I like to go out with them. Mentioning of hiking, I find it was extremely a hard work for me.  I was quite impressed of the 2 fellow guys as they were very energetic to walk upwards without easily get tiredness. They even could sing while walking back to lower altitude. We had to ask the 2 guys to continue with their own way as we, the only 4 girls behind really to need to get a rest a while for few times along the journey. This is the consequences of people that have done less daily exercise. I couldn’t even talk when hiking as my whole body energy focused on walking only not even mentioned want to take picture when stopped by certain altitude to rest. After the hiking, I feel the pain especially my leg, but it was worth a try to go hiking as I get to burn my fat for a healthy body. Now I can really amuse people by telling them that I had climbed the mountain until the No.7 water fall, the longest route and highest water fall in Mount Gading (around 2km I think). This is really amazing for my first experience. Since the end of last time trip to Ranchan recreational park plus this Mount Gading trip, I had started to like outdoor activity. Not forgot to mention my great experience of the day, wherever I sat, I was always ‘followed’ by the leeches, unlikely my friends whom never faced this situation along the trip. I guess the leeches like me so much until they chose to such my blood at my leg part for twice. I only started to realize the leech stick to my leg when I felt itchy and I tried to remove it plus the feeling of disgusting on that slimy creature.  I was screaming for the first time and my friend try to assure me by saying it would get off when it sucked enough of my blood and she help to take it off my leg. The second time when I was sitting on the stool in the small courtyard, the second leech came to my leg again and this time I was not so afraid anymore. I even found leech in my drinking bottle plastic beg!!

What have I changed?? I change into a person that like outdoor activity more..I know how to enjoy my life i used to make myself to work hard without joining any activity outside. 

                    Finally, we had reached the destination, Mount Gading.

                    The pool at the lowest altitude with crystal clear water.

                      Water fall No.7. yay!! We finally reached the summit.

It was rocky at the water pools downstream of the water fall.

The crystal clear water, this is what I call natural water source.

Bella's enthusiasm of getting into the water for me to capture a picture as memory.

 One member of the group just straight away jumped into the water when we reached the summit (“ I come”).

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